The Outfit:
Yellow cropped sweater- Club Monaco (Halifax, 2 yrs ago)
Yellow and grey sundress- Everly- Pseudio (Aug '09)
Black fabric belt- Noa Noa- Je Suis Prest Boutique (2 weeks ago)
Black 3 1/2 inch wedge sandles- Calvin Klein- Manchester (2 weeks ago)

And then Katie and Jaclyn came over later to watch The September Issue- a behind-the-scenes look at Vogue's editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and the extensive (and expensive!) put together of the 2007 September Issue (the largest issue put out annually). Anna Wintour`s pressence, influence and control is wide-spread and rather impressive profound in the world of fashion. You can actually see how some aspects of The Devil Wears Prada could perhaps be based on reality... I loved Grace Coddington- straight forward but has a brilliant sense of creativity and vision- essential traits if you`re the creative director of a top fashion magazine.

I have the September issue if you want to take a peek!
the 2007 copy?
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