I started out this blog as my personal style journal but I've come to realize there's another character that plays a big role in my blog: the city. Some people have described Saint John's evolving style as a sort of "fashion revolution". You see that the people in this city are more fashion-forward and that the style and variety available to us is ever growing. Saint John has really embraced style and fashion in the last year or so and it's tangible. You can see it in what people are wearing, thenew venues that are popping up, the sort of events that are being held, the conversations being held: there's a strong, cultivating interest. And I have to say, I love my city for it.
You see this happening when a group of people come together over a common interest such as what happened for Saint John Cut this past Sunday. A group of models or fashionistas, stylist, make-u artist and half a dozen photographers are placed in one big white room to see what happens! A year ago, roughly when I started this blog, I never envisioned that I'd be involved in a fun project such as this!
We started out the morning heading to Je Suis Prest Boutique, where business owner Kiera Fraser, had us pick out and style outfits. Since I love too many things to count in Kiera's store (see my photo wish list coming up later this week), I had to break my process down into brands. I went straight for a few Free People items since I often identify with the bohemian label fitting right into my style. We then headed over to The White Room.
So here's what happens when you put a dozen creative minds in one big really white room...
The White Room, 115 Prince William St
We walked into The White Room and bam, stunned by how alerting and extremely white the surroundings are. It was overcast that day in a very bright room; I can only imagine how visually stimulating it would be one a bright, sunny day or at sunset!

We changed into our outfits and sat down to have our make-up creatively done by Carrie McGrath of Persona Bella. Then it was time to take pictures!
In the above photo, Janna Boucher and Fran Menton have their make-up finished and we see the photographers start to go to work!
Above: Carrie applies Beth's McRae's make-up.
The view below at the corner of Water & Princess Streets.
Since most businesses are closed uptown on Sundays, the streets seemed quieter than usual.
Fran posing for photos in a BB Dakota Dress (Je Suis Prest Boutique) & Steve Madden heels (The Urban Shoe Myth)
Fran leans again the pillar while Sheldon Parsons captures her effortlessly sultry look.
Janna poses in another BB Dakota dress (Je Suis Prest Boutique)
Kelly Lawson with her killer Steve Madden pumps (The Urban Shoe Myth) and Apple by her side, captures Janna on film.
Beautiful Janna being photographed by the creaters of the event, Dan Culberson.
Shoes, shoes, shoes!
Yumi dress (Je Suis Prest Boutique) later worn by Nadine Parsons
Kate McLean (O My Heart!) gets her pose on for one photographer while Fran & Beth pose for another in the backdrop of this shot.
There was so much photoshoot action going on that it was fun to capture it on my own little point-and-shoot. Here, Emily Fraser captures her sister Kiera Fraser (Je Suis Prest Boutique) on camera.
My beautiful new 5" Steve Madden heels I purchased the night before from The Urban Shoe Myth party!
Pre-make-up application. Wearing a Free People top that I fell in love with the moment I put it on!
After having my make-up done by Carrie! She asked me what I wanted and I told her to go bold!
Second outfit w/ beige Aldo heels
Wearing: BB Dakota dress, Alternative Apparel sweater, belt & necklace all from Je Suis Prest Boutique!
Thanks to Kate for grabbing a few shots on my second outfit.
After wrap-up we all headed over to Britt's Pub for some eats because we were famished! What an amazing and fun experience the afternoon was! It was awesome to see the social media storm caused by Saint John Cut with the inflow of photographs and links posted to Facebook and Twitter!
Here's a list of the creatives that made up the crew & cast of Saint John Cut:
Kelly Lawson (Lawson Photography; @kellylawson)
Sheldon Parsons (Photography by Sheldon Parsons)
Sean McGrath (Sean McGrath Photography; @mgraths)
Dan Culberson (co-creator of Saint John Cut; @culbersontwit)
Beaver Smith (bigdayfoto; @bigdayfoto)
Emily Fraser
Barb Crawford (co-creator of Saint John Cut & blogger- Barb Barb Barb; @barbbarbbarb)
Fran Menton
Janna Boucher
Beth McRae
Nadine Parsons (manager of Envy)
Kate McLean (blogger- O My Heart; @kaaatemclean)
Chelsea Mason- that's me (blogger- Maritime Shopaholic; @mshopaholic)
Kiera Fraser (owner of Je Suis Prest Boutique; @jesuisprest)
Make-up Artist:
Carrie McGrath (Persona Bella)
Be sure to check out my blog's Facebook page for the links connecting to each photographer's amazing work from Saint John Cut!
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