Last week Silver Daisy Designs featured three new lines of clothing in their store at the fashion social they hosted at the Canterbury Lounge. The proceeds were donated to help cover medically related expenses of a local girl with a serious illness.

Steph and Kate Lordon of Silvery Daisy Designs provided commentary and details for the cute, feminine and romantic items featured in the fashion show. New brands to the store include Three Stones, Moon Collection, and Pixie Dust.
The models' arms were adorned with handbags from Matt & Nat as well as Three Stone. Colourful Hue tights were also featured as accesories to the new clothing lines.
Tickets purchased for the event were fairly valuable that night! Not only did they score you a free drink, but ticket numbers were also randomly drawn for products found in store. After the event, the ticket could be used for a 20% discount at Silver Daisy Designs for one week following the event. I definitely took advantage of the savings and popped in to visit Kate while picking up a friend's birthday gift earlier this week!
Silent auctions were also held for various pieces of lovely merchandise- I myself bid on multiple items and received notice that I had the highest bid on two of them! I picked up a necklace designed by Kate Lordon herself as well as a Three Stones hooded dress earlier this week- you'll be sure to see them featured in future outfit posts! Auction items included everything from make-up, to jewellery, and clothing!
The event made for an enjoyable evening: an opportunity to dress up and socialize! We can be sure to look forward to such future events to be hosted by Kate and Silver Daisy Designs!
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