Giving up shopping for lent has been a tough venture, but I'm still hanging in strong 13 days in. Naturally, just because I cannot shop, doesn't mean my wish list has stopped growing...
In the last year or two, I remember flipping through a copy of Harper's Bazaar to see that espadrilles were being delcared "out" in the world of fashion. But we're all aware of how cyclic fashion really is. Re-invent the wheel: make it a edgier, colour it a new hue, give it a new angle. I remember being more or less indifferent to the passing of the woven wedge sandal at the time, but like some styles, this is one that grew on me this time around. Partically with my developed interest in chunky shoes, platforms, and wedges.
Friday afternoon, I made a visit to The Urban Shoe Myth to scope out Shelley's latest selection. I fell in love with these Steve Madden espadrilles, now officially on my list of must-haves following my shopping fast!
From what I can see online, in-store, and in magazines, espadrilles didn't make it far out of reach before they came back in full force! I forsee them being a huge summer trend and I'm wanting to wear those Steve Maddens despite the fact that the ground is still frozen! Most popular footwear labels have been adding the woven wedge espadrilles to their spring/summer lines. Sam Edelman, Nine West, and Dolce Vita are just a few to embrace the traditionally Spanish shoe that dates back to at least the 16th century. Mind you, the originated as a flat shoe with a rope sole and canvas covering over the feet, worn by men and women. Here's a few picks of the modern, bohemian wedge version that I am loving:
Espadrilles by MaritimeShopaholic

What is the shoe type that you look forward to wearing this summer?
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