Sunday, March 28, 2010

weekend in review

Despite the frigid temptatures, at least there plenty of sunshine! :)  Friday evening was an uptown gathering at Saba & Melissa's lovely apartment. A visit to the liquor store, and a cab ride later, we (Shauna, Alex, Ben & I) climbed up the steps for an evening of socializing- followed by a trip (though we weren't as strong in numbers by then) to one of our local watering holes...

The next morning I rolled out of bed and met Katie at the newly opened Magnolia Cafe on Prince William. Beautiful interior and friendly staff- can't wait to visit the adjoining Bourbon Quarter restaurant which was slated to open last evening. So we sipped on cappucinos (and I have to say their cheesecake brownies are tasty!), chatting about the week's happenings. We also decided the need to organize a girl night out- in the form of bar hopping uptown.

Katie & I then headed over to browse the shops of Brunswick Square & the SJ market: Spurs, Pseudio, J&R, Colwells, and wandered the racks of  Je Suis Prest and tried on lots of beautiful garments! We finished our outting to Beckwith N' Co to check out the Anne Marie Chagnon pieces. (Katie now has her eye on a birthday necklace.)

 Saturday's finds:

Dept shirt with bold pattern of green and blue circles and a trim a bit on a wild side ;)

Dogeared necklace with a cute little stiletto!
i am in love with this.

Both items above I purchased from Je Suis Prest Boutique.

With the loss of opportunity for an evening of great martinis at Sebastian (the martini bar and restaurant closed earlier this month), Katie and I realized the importance and need to focus on supporting local businesses and venues.

In order for our favourite places (shops, restaurants, bars, etc.) to be there for us, we need to be there for them!

Chocolate monkey & espresso martinis from the late Sebastian.


Cham said...

Cute! I love it. :o)

Barb C said...

Thank goodness this blog exists.

I've linked to you on my blog.