Thursday, October 14, 2010

TTFF(4): These boots were made for walking...

Fall Fashion: Top Trends (Post #4)

We're well into fall now and like me, you might already have some of these styles sitting on your shoe rack. I'm going to continue to go through my findings for fall fashion research, condense it down, and summarize it!

Boots have risen to new heights (and lows) this season: we've been seeing plenty of booties and shooties. If you just stopped reading, wondering if I've just made up the word shootie, I promise, not so! Let me explain the difference:

Bootie: Cute shortened term for ankle boots, usually have a heel or wedge

(L to R)

Shootie: The merging concepts of boot and shoe,
usually flat with minimal heel, higher ankle, and often have buckles or laces.

(L to R)

The lower boot forms made their showcase earlier on when we were just transitioning from summer to fall. Though they will continue to be a big hit, it's the tall boots that come to (or just above) the knee that we're seeing lots of now with the cooler weather approaching.
High Rise

(L to R)

 What's your pick, short or tall?
Or do you like the best of both worlds?

1 comment:

Ivelina FriChic said...

Booties are my addiction :)